
Conditions where an individual has a physical, emotional, or psychological reaction to an environmental factor

Requirements for use

Chemical sensitivity Flashing sensitivity Latex sensitivity Motion sensitivity Noise sensitivity Photosensitivity Temperature sensitivity Stress intolerance

Chemical sensitivity

Individuals who have a physical reaction to fragrances, smoking areas, and chemicals. These individuals benefit from good ventilation, separate chemical free areas, and requests for others to refrain from wearing scented products.

Associated conditions and disabilities

Flashing sensitivity

Individuals who have a physical reaction to flashing content and lighting. These individuals benefit from warning s

Associated conditions and disabilities

Latex sensitivity

Individuals who have a physical reaction to latex. These individuals benefit from gloves and other objects made from alternative materials.

Associated conditions and disabilities

Motion sensitivity

Individuals who have a physical reaction to moving content such as on-screen animation and some visual patterns. These individuals benefit from controls that allow them to turn off motion.

Associated conditions and disabilities

Noise sensitivity

Individuals who have a low tolerance for loud noises. These individuals benefit from warnings, separate areas to participate in loud events, and noise canceling ear coverings.

Associated conditions and disabilities


Individuals who are sensitive to light. These individuals often benefit from alternative schedules, control over lighting conditions, and warnings about situations with changes in lighting.

Associated conditions and disabilities

Temperature sensitivity

Individuals who have a low tolerance for high and low temperatures. These individuals often benefit from the ability to control room temperature, and warnings when temperatures will be more extreme and cannot be adjusted.

Associated conditions and disabilities

Stress intolerance

Individuals who have a low tolerance for stress. These individuals often benefit from modified schedules and service animals.

Associated conditions and disabilities