
Conditions relating to understanding and interpreting content and concepts

Requirements for use

Limited ability to understand implied content Limited ability to understand number-based concepts Limited ability to understand spoken language Limited ability to write or understand written language

Limited ability to understand implied content

Individuals who often benefit from assistance interpreting emotions, body language, metaphor, simile, irony, humor and other information that requires interpretation.

Associated conditions and disabilities

Limited ability to understand number-based concepts

Individuals who have difficulty understanding and working with numbers. These individuals often benefit from assistance using numbers like temperature, weight, and size; interpreting numerical concepts, and using math concepts.

Associated conditions and disabilities

Limited ability to understand spoken language

Individuals who can hear but have difficulty processing spoken language. These individuals often benefit from written and visual alternatives to spoken information.

Associated conditions and disabilities

Limited ability to write or understand written language

Individuals who can see but have difficulty reading, writing and spelling. These individuals often benefit from auditory and pictorial alternatives to written language.

Associated conditions and disabilities